--- Anne Robotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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