Hi again

Thanks yet again to all who replied. After testing the different
approaches the following was the winner: (Credits go to Bob Lies and
Tonya McKee who came up with similar brilliant solutions)

1. Create a new Marker. I chose to call it "Reviewer".

2. For each topic (in my case about 400), insert a marker with the
reviewer as marker text. Include a semicolon after each reviewer. You
can insert multiple reviewers in each marker. Separate with semicolon.
     John Smith:
     John Doe:;John Smith:
3. From the book file, add an "Index of Markers" including the new
Reviewer marker only. I chose to add the IOM as the first chapter in the
book. However in order not to mess-up the page numbering I made sure
that the first "real" chapter in the book started on page 1.

NOTE: It took a couple of minutes until the FM book actually noticed
that there was a new marker available. I imagine it would be possible to
speed up the "detection" of the marker by closing and opening all files
in the book, including the book file.

4. On the Reference page of the IOM file, replace the variable
definition of the default ReviewerIOM paragraph format from <$pagenum>
to <$paratext> <$pagenum> This means that the topic will be listed in
the index. I also included a tab in the paragraph format reviwererIOM
paragraph format, The tab was included between <$paratext> and

5. On the Reference page of the IOM file, replace the comma in the
SeparatorsIOM line of text with a soft return (shift-Enter) and remove
the leading space before the 1:
 1, 2-3


6. On the Reference page of the IOM file, hide the GroupTitlesIOM
paragraph format. I tried to remove it but I failed. :-) It just
reappeared. I solved this by setting the font color to white. (quick and
very dirty)

7. To make the IOM look nice, edit the master pages as well. I changed
the page size of the IOM. It does not have to look like the rest of the
book as it is not part of it. 

8. Update the paragraph formats level1IOM and level2IOM to your liking. 

9. The result looks like this when I am done:

John Smith
     Topic A ......4
     Topic B ......6
     Topic C ......7

John Doe
     Topic A ......4
     Topic D ......8
     Topic E ......9

And this is exactly what I was looking for.

And finally I quote Bob Lies:

"The disadvantage of any such method is the effort to add the markers.
The advantage is there are tools for managing markers, including the
built-in search/replace that would allow you to locate and change the
name of reviewer as project personnel changes."

And I might add yet another advantage - a pretty happy bunch of

Best Regards

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