Ron Miller wrote: 
> I have a book that was building just fine until I had the 
> audacity to add a title page with a color logo. Now, when I 
> build the book, I trigger all kinds of messages about the 
> Print Color settings being off and the cross references no 
> longer work. I'm a little surprised that a title page would 
> cause this much fuss.

Well, a little more info generally helps (FM version? OS? Is the title
page a separate file? What do the messages say? What do you mean xrefs
don't work?) 

My guess is you've added a new FM file to your book that came from a
different template or for some other reason has different color
view/definition settings. Presumably, this new file comes first in your
book, so FM judges every file after it to have "inconsistent settings."
But it may be the new one you need to change -- figure out what's
different, which one is right, and eliminate the difference. 

I'm guessing your xref problem stems from FM's inability to silently
open files in the background because of the color inconsistency problem
(you have to interact with a dialog to open each file). Once you have
all the files in the book open, you should be able to update it


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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