Good evening from Pennsylvania

Fellow Framers:

First, the setup:  WXP, Frame 7.0, Acrobat 6.

Now the problem:
I have a recurring problem with one document and its fonts.  Each time I
open the document, I get a message that FrameMaker does not recognize the
font Symbol Bold and will use Times instead.

Action to date:  
I generated a list of references>>>fonts to locate the source of the problem
and I got a *Symbol* font that is bolded but no Symbol Bold font.

What I know to do:   
I know how to turn off this message using the File>>>General>>>Preferences,
however, that doesn't really solve the problem, does it?  I mean the Symbol
font is still in use and it is bolded, but there's no Symbol Bold font
within the document.

This problem is replicated in a series of like documents throughout the
FrameMaker book.  It's embarassing when trying to open a document and this
message pops up every now and then.  In addition, when attempting to print a
book, FrameMaker stops when it incurs this error.

Any thoughts out there?



Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.
Documentation Consultant
CWO3, U. S. Coast Guard (Retired)

"Heroes:  Ordinary people...doing extraordinary extraordinary


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