Steve & Fred,

That 90-day (or whatever) restriction on version-to-version
upgrades on the same computer went out a number of years ago.

However, when you are dealing with a platform-to-platform
"sidegrade," you are dealing with software on distinctly
separate computers! The restriction is comparable to that
of the version-to-version upgrade not allowing you to
install or give away the old version for use on another

        - Dov

> -----Original Message-----
>  On Behalf Of Ridder, Fred
> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:46 AM
> To: Steve Rickaby;
> Subject: RE: Options for cross-grading, Mac to PC
> It's really not any different from Adobe's standard upgrade policy.
> If you buy an upgrade license for most (if not all) of their 
> products, it only entitles you to keep both versions 
> installed for a transition period (90 days, as I recall). 
> After that period you are supposed to uninstall the old 
> version. For contractors who might need to have multiple 
> versions available to them to work on client projects using 
> the correct tool version, this technically mean s multiple 
> full licenses for each version.  Not very user-friendly, but 
> it's the way Adobe has structured their licenses for years.
> My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
> Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com) Intel Parsippany, NJ

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