Hi Rhea,

I am verifying the behavior you are seeing. There are two workarounds:

1) If the first paragraph in the title is centered, it will constrain the whole title to the width of the table. You could have a tiny, blank, centered paragraph in each title just above your normal, left-aligned title.

2) You could use FrameScript to automatically set the right indent on the title paragraph equal to

text column width - table column width

This would eliminate the need for the dummy centered paragraph before the real one. A script like this could be triggered automatically whenever you save the document.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing

I recently posted a message with the subject "Width of table titles." In it I said that when my table title paragraph tag has the flush left property, the text rect that contains the title changes to become as wide as "the whole column." I should have said it changes to become as wide as the whole text column that the table is in.

Since my tables are generally narrower than the text column they're in, this is a problem. I don't want the titles to be wider than the tables. I can't find any way to make the titles narrower when the title paragraph tag is flush left. The minute I change the title para tag to be centered, the text rect that contains the table title changes to become exactly the width of the table. But as luck would have it, I don't like centered titles. I like flush left titles.

What puzzles me is that I've used FrameMaker for over 15 years and I don't remember ever having this problem before. But now it occurs in even a brand-new generic FrameMaker file.


Rhea Barron



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