Hey Peter,

   I agree that this is an excellent series of books! I have one from OS
X 10.1, I believe. I was looking for one for Frame, since there are so
many others out there. Alas, I wasn't able to find one, so have been
looking for another good book for Frame. I recently bought the
Dreamweaver 8 Missing Manual and, so far, it looks to be just about as
good as Pogue's books. 

Sam Beard
Technical Communications - Special Projects
936 521-2241
Peter wrote: <snipped>
You can read a lot about this (and other stuff) in David Pogue's 
excellent and thorough "Mac OS X: The Missing Manual" (choose the cat 
version you need.) There's not much he overlooks explaining about common

and obscure aspects of Mac-ing.


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