It is early and I am not fully awake, yet, but I see a couple of ways to
resolve this issue.

1. Create a set of variables, one for the part of the number that
doesn't change, then separate ones for those portions that are unique
per guide.

Such as;

<docnum> as the base number.

In the footers on the master pages, set up the presentation as

<docnum><guide1>, for the first guide, etc.

You would probably want to use the first chapter of each 'guide' as the
variable repository for the <guidex> variable, and one chapter, cover(?)
as the repository for the variable(s) that apply across the entire book.

2. You could also use conditional text, setting up each group to display
a different <guidex> variable. This would allow you to use one chapter
as the repository for all of the variables.

Your master page would look like

<docnum><guide1><guide2><guide3> etc.

Apply conditions to each of the <guidex> portions. Again it is a
maintenance issue to ensure that only the correct condition is displayed
for the correct guide.

-----Original Message-----
m] On Behalf Of Radha Padmanabhan
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:01 PM
To: framers@frameusers.com
Subject: Can User Variable value be changed at book level?

Hi, Good day.
  I use FrameMaker 7.1 with Windows XP.
  I have got a FM book with about 50 chapters (files). But they are
logically grouped as 5 guides. All chapters in all guides have footers
with Product Name, Release No. and Date and Guide identification. For
each guide, the footer has a User Variable-DocumentNumebr. Its value is
partially different for each guide. Every time there is a release, the
variable value changes. I am having to edit the master page of each of
50 chapters manually. 
  Is there a possibility to change the value of the variable from book
level for a range of chapters?
  I am a bit apprehensive about using templates (if possible) since the
book is authored by someone else and I do not know the underlying risk.
Excuses if this is a very basic question.
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