Hello All,


   I'm just getting into a new job, taking over from someone who was
basically thrust into the position and did the best she could, but
didn't know much about Frame. I'm creating a document template for all
of our documents, basing it on one of the existing documents, since
management likes at least certain aspects of it. I'm having a few
problems with that process. The current one deals with Chapter Name and
Chapter Number tags. I have a book file with three chapters and one
introduction chapter. The Chapter Number tag is coded as such:
C:Chapter\ <n+>. This SHOULD be starting the chapter numbers at 1 for
the first one and incrementing as they go along. I also have selected a
tag of Chapter Name to be the follow-up paragraph. However, in the
template, as a test, the next paragraph tag after pressing Enter is
another Chapter Number tag. Also, I've updated the book and the three
individual chapters are all numbered at 1. Any ideas on these issues
would be GREATLY appreciated!


Sam Beard

Technical Communications - Special Projects


936 521-2241




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