I want to change the default Edit > Paste format to Text. Per the
instructions that appeared on the list recently, I edited the maker.ini
file. I changed

ClipboardFormatsPriorities=FILE, OLE 2, EMF, META, DIB, BMP, MIF, RTF, TEXT


ClipboardFormatsPriorities=FILE, TEXT, OLE 2, EMF, META, DIB, BMP, MIF, RTF

and restarted FM. The revision seems to have no effect. I tried revising
both the user maker.ini and the master maker.ini. What am I doing wrong?

Failing this, is there another way to change the default paste behavior, so
when I paste text from one part of a document to another, the text will
adopt the formatting of the target location? Edit > Paste Special > Text
works fine, but it is inconvenient when performing multiple pastes.

I'm using FM 7.2 on Windows XP.

David Shaked (Wernick)

AlmondWeb Ltd.
Technical Documentation * Web Development * Word and WebWorks Consultants


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