Linda G. Gallagher wrote:
> The tables are all anchored to paragraphs that are in the 
> main text area, not in the side head area.

Are you sure? Really? Double-check this in Paragraph Designer's
Pagination tab. Are the anchor pgfs all set to In Column? It's not
enough that they _be_ in the column (via an indent setting, for
instance) -- are they _defined_ as In Column?
> I hope this is making sense. The crux of the problem is 
> inconsistent behavior of where tables and table titles align 
> in relation to side head area. What controls this?

The anchor pgf is supposed to control this. I've just confirmed this in
my current doc. We anchor tables in TableAnchor pgfs, which are set on
the Pagination tab to Across All Columns and Side Heads. 

A left-aligned table anchored in a TableAnchor pgf starts at the text
frame edge (in the sidehead area) plus its Left Indent. The Title frame
above it starts at the text frame edge (in the sidehead area), too, and
the TableTitle pgf in it is indented by its Left Indent amount. 

If I change the table's anchor pgf from TableAnchor to FigAnchor (which
is set to In Column), both the table and its Title frame jump rightward
into the text column. 

If you have two tables anchored in identical In Column anchor pgfs, and
one aligns left across the sidehead area and the other doesn't, I think
you've found a real bug. 

Later, Linda also wrote:

> The table title is set to In Column. Forgot to mention that. 

That setting actually is irrelevant. The title pgf is in its own text
frame (if you work with View > Borders on -- and you should, IMHO --
you'll see it). That frame has a single column with no sidehead. You
can't change it, either. 

You can control the placement of the title pgf within the Title frame
using its indent settings. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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