karyn hunt wrote: 
>   We have a TOC that has always worked fine in the past. We 
> just added a new paragraph tag to the template that won't 
> pick up the leader lines in the way other, similar paragraph 
> tags do. We're searching for a solution.
>    Now, when we run the TOC, all the other headings get their 
> leader lines in the TOC, but the new H2T1_Heading2Topic1 
> entry doesn't.

The heading pgf you added to the doc -- H2T1_Heading2Topic1 -- isn't the
pgf that appears in the TOC. When you included it in the TOC setup, FM
created a _new_ pgf format named H2T1_Heading2Topic1TOC. That's the pgf
that appears in the TOC, not the heading pgf itself. 

You probably haven't defined the H2T1_Heading2Topic1TOC pgf format in
Paragraph Designer, and it's just luck that the other settings it
inherited -- font, alignment, etc. -- are all correct (or are they?). 

To fix your leader problem, check two different things. First, put your
cursor in a H2T1_Heading2Topic1TOC pgf (in your TOC's body page or its
TOC spec ref page) and open Paragraph Designer. Under Tab Stops, make
sure this pgf format has the right tab stop for the page number and that
it has the leader set (select the tab stop and click Edit to check/set
the leader). If you have to add or edit the tab stop, be sure you click
Update All so that all H2T1_Heading2Topic1TOC pgfs will get the tab
setting change. 

Now, check the H2T1_Heading2Topic1TOC pgf in the TOC spec (the flow
named "TOC" on a reference page probably also named "TOC"). If you've
defined the pgf format's tab settings correctly, it may already look
correct, with the <$pagenum> element tabbed over to the right and the
appropriate leader. If not, make sure you actually have a tab between
<$paratext> and <$pagenum>. 

Once the H2T1_Heading2Topic1TOC pgf and the TOC spec are set up right,
update/regenerate your book, and your TOC should be fixed.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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