One could make the "quality of life" argument - it may not be dead or dying, 
what what kind of life does it have? I'd have liked to see some more features 
in this major release. I'm glad it's alive, but in some ways it seems more a 
patient recovering from neglect than a robust workhorse. 
I hope to see further improvement at a faster pace than we have seen so far. 
Technology marches on, employer and audience expectations move on, my career 
moves on, and FrameMaker, while moving, is not moving very fast. 
So yes, I am happy that my tool of choice is not dead. But it has to show more 
and faster improvement to stay relevant or it will be left behind.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Shmuel Wolfson
Sent: Wed 8/29/2007 5:22 AM
To: Alison Carrico
Subject: Re: first impressions of FrameMaker 8

I think we should be happy that the new version has some significant
improvements and shows that Frame is NOT a dead or dying product,
instead of complaining about the lateness of the new features.

Shmuel Wolfson

Alison Carrico wrote:
> In my business (document/software translation/localization), the Unicode
> support alone is worth the price of admission several times over. I was
> as giddy as a schoolgirl when I printed a Russian doc to PDF & all the
> bookmarks came out perfectly.  I've been using TimeSavers in 7.1 and,
> while it is a huge help, there are characters in several languages that
> do not convert correctly, requiring tedious copy/pasting to correct.
> I'm working with the trial version until Purchasing gets the upgrade
> ordered, and we'll recommend upgrading to several of our clients. 
> BUT... it really is disappointing to see relatively few real
> innovations. IMO, a lot of the new features warrant only an "It's about
> time", not "Wow, cool!"  Makes me wonder what the Frame engineers at
> Adobe have been doing for the umpteen years between 7.2 & this version.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> .com] On Behalf Of Sarah O'Keefe
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 3:00 PM
> Subject: first impressions of FrameMaker 8
> I've posted an overview of FrameMaker 8 with my impressions here:
> ions.html
> Please feel free to comment on the blog or in this forum. The review
> itself is too long to post to the list in its entirety (and it has
> screen shots and PDF links).
> Regards,
> Sarah O'Keefe

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