Yves Barbion wrote:> I use Template Mapper for jobs like these.
Note that TemplateMapper was not one of the free plug-ins
from Chris Despopoulos (cudspan). He used to charge $200
for it.
> What's also nice thing about this, is that you get "clean" 
> FrameMaker files: the list of Paragraph Formats will only 
> contain the paratags of your FrameMaker template, not 
> the Word styles (Normal, Heading 1, Heading 2, ...).
You typically get Word style names (and style definitions) 
in converted FrameMaker document in two scenarios:
1) When you use Open on a Word document file instead 
of File>Import>File, FrameMaker brings in the Word 
stylesheet, or at least those styles that are flagged as
in use in the current document. If you simply rename 
the styles in FrameMaker, you still have all of Word's
format definitions. You really need to use a tool like 
TemplateMapper to do a proper job of converting the 
formatting as well as the tag name. For this reason, I
always advise against using Open with non-native files.
2) If you use File>Import>File, you'll only get the Word
style names that are actually applied to paragraphs in 
the source file. If you prep the source file by renaming
the Word styles to match your FrameMaker template,
you should not be getting Word style names in the 
FrameMaker file, and if you use the Reformat Using 
Current Document's Formats option in the Import Text
Flow by Copy dialog, you won;t get any of the Word
paragraph format definitions, either.
-Fred Ridder
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