Thanks everyone for the help and replies. Much appreciated.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer 
Health Language, Inc. 
Office: +1 (303) 307-4400 x254 

-----Original Message-----
From: Combs, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:30 PM
To: Tammy Van Boening; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: PDF contradiction?

Tammy Van Boening wrote: 
> ... According to all the hulla-bulloo about this 8.0 
> release, I can enable commenting rights in a PDF so that my 
> Adobe Reader users can participate in shared reviews of the 
> PDF. So, I followed the instructions to the "T" provided in 
> the Adobe Acrobat Online Help and this is the problem:
> 1.)     Create the PDF.
> 2.)     In the open PDF, choose Comments > Enable For Commenting in
> Adobe Reader and save the PDF.
> 3.)     Start the wizard to initiate the shared review. Step 4 in this
> wizard is to select the PDF that is to be reviewed (natch!), 
> so I select the PDF that I saved in Step 2, but here's the rub:

DISCLAIMER: I'm using Acro 7; undoubtedly, Adobe has made random changes
to what it calls things and the details of how they work. 

That said, I think you're doing two things that are similar, but not the
same, and you should be doing one or the other, but not both. It's
understandable; the help explains them poorly (at least in 7). 

If you're going to email the PDF to someone and want their comments
back, all you need to do is step 2 above. A Save As dialog prompts you
to save a copy of the PDF (you can overwrite the original if you
insist). Send that copy, which has the "special features" enabled to
allow commenting in Reader. *Don't do step 3 (the wizard). I've done
this many times, and never used the wizard. 

You need one of the wizards (under Comments > Send for Review) _only_ if
you want to see multiple people's comments merged into one document. In
that case, *don't* select Comments > Enable For Commenting first; just
go straight to the wizard. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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