Pinkham, Jim wrote:

> Unfortunately, I came to a screeching halt on the Update Book 
> run to fill in the LOR when FM said "couldn't update this 
> book because it contains no openable nongenerated files." 
> This is guesswork, but I'm thinking "this book" refers to one 
> of the component sub-books of the "uber book." If that's the 
> case, I'm not sure what caused the pause because Frame 
> appeared to be crunching through several sub-books before 
> coming to its screeching halt. We still have some FM 5.5 
> books that haven't come up for new versions yet and so 
> haven't been converted to FM 7.1. My hunch is that may be the 
> sticky wicket here. 

I don't recall the earlier discussion or know anything about ComboBook,
but your hunch is probably correct. FM can't generate an LOR for a book
if it can't open all the files in the background, without human
intervention. If a file is from an earlier version, or has unavailable
fonts, missing graphics, etc., then human intervention (i.e., your
response to a dialog box) is necessary. 

You can avoid this problem by opening all files in the book before
generating the LOR. But for an Ueberbook created from 152 books, this
may be impractical. :-) 

FM's error message (or the messages in the Console window) should let
you know what it couldn't open, so you could either temporarily exclude
those files or open just those manually. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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