Berman, Marta wrote:
> Hi
> I know how to close all files in a book (Shift-->File-->Close All
> Files in Book) and how to save all files in a book
> (Shift-->File-->Save All Files in Book). Anyone know a way to close
> all files in a book at one time without being prompted to save each
> one (for the cases where you know there are no changes you want to
> keep, and don't want to keep clicking No, No, No...)?

I don't know how to avoid being prompted to save each file, but I know 
how not to keep clicking No, No, No...

Unplug your mouse for a week and learn the keyboard shortcuts.  The 
shortcut for "No" is "n" -- just hold down the key until FM disappears; 
it takes mere seconds.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"The Alt key is your friend."

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