Dear Framers,

I am using the Structured Product Interface of FrameMaker 8.0 (with
Windows). I just discovered that when I copy text and try to paste it
into an e-mail, instead of just the text I've selected, I get a long
string of font names, which looks like this:

SymbolCourierMarlettArialArial CEArial CYRArial GreekArial TURArial
BalticCourier NewCourier New CECourier New CYRCourier New, etc.

The text I copied appears at the end of this string.

FYI: I'm using Copy (or Ctrl + C), not Copy Special; and Paste (or Ctrl
+ V), not Paste Special.

I can copy and paste the desired text into Notepad, then copy and paste
into the e-mail message, Word, etc. 

Does anyone know what I can do about this new "feature" of Frame 8?

Many thanks in advance,

Paula Gorelick
Editor/Desktop Publisher
T-Mobile USA
Desk: 425.378.6467
Mobile: 206.369.7603


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