Am 19.03.2008 um 17:05 schrieb Rick Henkel:

> Flare has more than Blaze. Kind of like   Flare : Blaze ::  
> Acrobat : Reader

They must have something up their sleeve... or why did they once  
position Blaze as FrameMaker killer? You wouldn't expect a serious  
company to exaggerate things like that, would you? Maybe I forgot,  
that in marketing everything is allowed...

Well, FrameMaker is still listed two times on the Blaze website: As  
possible import format and as output format (which would only be  
necessary if the products own print layout capabilities are somewhat  

BTW, I am hesitant to install .NET 3.0 and enjoy your reports!

- Michael

Michael Müller-Hillebrand: Dokumentations-Technologie
Adobe Certified Expert, FrameMaker
Lösungen und Training, FrameScript, XML/XSL, Unicode
<> -- Tel. +49 (9131) 28747


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