I just tried this with my trial FM 8.0p273, and it is exactly as you 

Jeff Schweiner wrote:

> I've also experienced this "feature" and have come across a repeatable 
> pattern of failure.
> Can others try this and report back whether it fails for them also?
> I'm experiencing problems with dropped characters in text lines. Also, I've 
> noticed the history doesn't seem to log all changes made to text lines. The 
> problem can be duplicated as follows: 
> 1. Open a new portrait blank document and add an anchored frame. (recorded in 
> history) 
> 2. Add a text line inside the anchored frame from the Tools Palette. In the 
> text line, type "1234" (recorded in history). 
> 3. Save the file. (history cleared) 
> 4. Click the cursor after the "4" in the text line and hit a carriage return 
> to create a new text line. (not recorded in history) 
> 5. In the new text line, type "1234567890"(not recorded in history) 
> 6. Save the file. 
> 7. Refresh the screen (cntl l) and the second text line now reads "12346890" 
> (dropped the 5 and 7). Printing the file in steps 5 and 6 also show the 5 and 
> 7 are missing. 
> 8. Add a new text line inside the anchored frame from the Tools Palette. In 
> the text line, type "12345" (recorded in history). 
> 9. Save the file. (history cleared) 
> 10. Click the cursor after the "5" in the text line from step 8 and hit a 
> carriage return to create a new text line. (not recorded in history) 
> 11. In the new text line, type "1234567890"(not recorded in history) 
> 12. Save the file. 
> 13. Refresh the screen and the second text line now reads "12345790" (dropped 
> the 6 and 8). 
> I get this to fail every time running the trial version 8.0p273 on two 
> different XP SP2 systems.


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