Rene Stephenson wrote: 
> I tried creating the "standalone" TOC for the relevant 
> chapter using the desired subheadings, saved that file in 
> with my other text insets and Alt-F,I,F (by reference) and it 
> doesn't update when I update the text insets. Same problem 
> with the chapter LOT that I set up the same way. At least the 
> failure is consistent. :-\

I used to have some books in which the book-level generated lists (TOC,
LOF, and LOT) were text insets in a container front-matter file. My
experience with that may or may not be applicable in your situation.

It always took two book updates to update the generated lists. That was
because when you generated/updated the book, FM updated the text insets
first, and then updated the generated lists. So I had to update a second
time to replace the text insets with the newly generated versions. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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