Not sure I understand the problem. But I am 
interested because I use text insets (several 
hundred) and conditional text formats (twenty).

Let's say that Doc1 has a text inset Doc2 which 
has three conditional formats A, B, and C.

If in Doc1 I want to see only the content of Doc2 
that is flagged with condition C, I set show 
condition C in Doc1 and that's that. No problem.

The only time I had a problem with this is when I had the following case:

Doc1 has a text inset Doc2 with a text inset Doc 
3 (with conditional formats called A, B, and C). 
I set show condition C in Doc1 and it didn't 
work! The problem I believe was that the 
condition was not defined the same way in Doc2 so 
the specification didn't make it to Doc3. I 
deleted the condition in Doc2 and then the 
correct condition definition (created in Doc3) 
was imported into Doc2 and then Doc1. I wonder if this is clear..helps.

I don't understand how/why a script would be useful here.

I probably don't quite understand the problem.

Good luck.

At 08:20 AM 24/04/2008, Duncan, Gary wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>We are trying to use text insets that get called into the chapter and
>then are conditionalized from within the container file. For example, if
>we want the content of an inset to appear only in Help, we give it a
>HelpOnly condition from within the container file. We do not want to
>conditionalize the text inset content itself because the condition may
>not be appropriate in other places we use the inset.
>This works fine until we revise the inset and it gets called back into
>the container file. The condition is lost. At first, it seemed like a
>bug. But after thinking about it, it makes sense that reimporting the
>text inset replaces everything associated with the previous version. The
>buggy thing is that Frame still indicates that the inset is conditional
>(in the lower left corner of the screen where the paragraph/flow info
>shows). The conditional dialog indicates that the inset is conditional,
>but does not indicate which condition. In the end, however, the
>information seems bogus because if you click on something else, then
>click back on the inset, the info is carried over from the previous text
>you clicked on.
>If the conditional info was truly held in Frame, I was hoping that a
>solution could be a script that scans for insets with associated
>conditions and update and apply the condition. Now, I am not so hopeful.
>Has anyone run into this and solved the problem?
>Thank you...
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Stephen O'Brien
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