Deirdre Reagan wrote:
> I have to create a TOC and one of items I want to list in the TOC is a
> user variable that is located on the master page of my chapters. Is
> it possible to have the TOC pick up a user variable? When we were
> building the TOC, I didn't see that option anywhere, and when I went
> to the reference page to add formatting, I didn't see that I could add
> it there either.
A TOC is designed to collect paragraphs that appear on the body pages
of a book (e.g. headings), along with certain properties associated with 
each of those paragraphs, like autonumbering and the page number. 
Content that appears only in background frames (e.g. the header and 
footer frames on master pages) is not accessible to the TOC, AFAIK. 


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