Deirdre Reagan wrote: 
> I went to the broken cross reference, clicked on it, and it opened the
> title page and displayed, via the dialog box, that it knew exactly
> where it was supposed to go to find its source.  So the cross
> reference knows what its source is, and the source is there, patiently
> waiting, but updating the book doesn't seem to get these two piece to
> work, without that black T.

No, it didn't. It knew the source file for the cross-reference (and
asked permission to open it if necessary), but not _exactly_ where to go
in that file. It's the oversized T, which is a cross-reference marker,
that identifies the destination. 

I just deleted a cross-reference marker (I'm using FM 7.2) and then
double-clicked a cross-reference to it. The Cross-Reference dialog box
showed the destination file in the Document field at the top. On the
left, it displayed Marker Types (not Paragraphs). On the right it
displayed the Cross-Reference Markers list, but _none was selected_.
Because the marker that the xref used to point to wasn't in the list

Setting Source Type to Paragraphs changed the left list to Paragraph
Tags and the right list to Paragraphs. But on the left, the first item
in the list (in my case, Body) was selected. And again, on the right, no
specific instance of a pgf tag was selected. 

Selecting a pgf tag (in my case TitleChapter) on the left and a specific
instance of that tag on the right fixed the xref -- by inserting a new
cross-reference marker at the beginning of the selected pgf. 

As a convenience, FM lets you create xrefs by selecting the destination
pgf. But when you do that, "behind the scenes," FM inserts an xref
marker in that pgf, and it's the xref marker that identifies the
destination. If you delete that, you have to recreate it. That's how
cross-references work. 

See "Working with cross-reference markers" and "Resolving
cross-references" in the help/manual.



Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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