> I don't know why I had the impression that Macs are faster systems
than PCs? 

That impression may have come from an article in PC World...Kelly.


> -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rene
> Stephenson
> Sent: 2008-06-19 10:30
> To: Art Campbell
> Cc: FrameUsers List
> Subject: Re: How FM use impacts purchasing decisions
> Thanks, Art. You're right, I'm still warped back in time to the
concept that Vista is the new kid on the block with all the
> inherent "don't buy it until they work the bugs out" cloud.
> My main client has UNIX/Linux servers, and I'll be setting up a server
at home whenever the basement finish-out project is,
> well, finished. Whether I set that up as a Linux server or a Microsoft
server is yet undecided, but I'm leaning toward Linux for
> cost and resource/overhead reasons. Regardless of the laptop OS, I'll
still be using mostly PC desktops in our home network
> (currently 5 PCs), so I was thinking Linux would be the more flexible
server setup.
> Seems like I have heard of FM for UNIX, but it seems a blue moon. Is
that like the FM for Mac, also got end-life'd? If so, the
> idea of a Linux laptop would probably carry the same liabilities as a
Mac laptop?
> Either way, does anyone have experience sharing currently active FM
files between users who run FM in different operating
> systems?
> I don't know why I had the impression that Macs are faster systems
than PCs? Is that just some grassroots advertising
> campaign? The attractive thing to me about Macs is the graphics
capabilities and the fact that I have kids in school who could
> benefit from it when I trade up again (which I typically do every
couple of years at a minimum, to keep on the higher end of
> available performance). I don't really get into the music side of
electronics at all.
> I had not heard Dell had a next-day replacement. That is good to know.
Of course, it usually takes about 2 weeks for me to
> get all the programs loaded up and user settings tweaked out anyway,
and I wouldn't be able to just image a hard drive over
> if I have to move to Vista. For that matter, I have seen too many
issues with Adobe products in general for me to use the old
> standby of keeping a recent drive image as a backup in case of
catastrophic failure. Shame - that certainly was the fastest way
> to recover. Surely there's a faster way to config and tweak out FM...
I guess I can just copy the maker.ini and fminit and
> plugins directories to a customization CD?
> Rene L. Stephenson
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Art Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Rene,
> You're sort of ignoring the fact that Vista is past the first ship
> early adopter milepost. It's a relatively known quantity, and the
> amount of twiddling ...
> Last I heard, Mac's market share has crept up to about 3% of business
> systems... so while you may be able to make it a viable solution,
> going to spend more time twiddling a dual boot or emulation
> environment to run Windows. And pay more for the processing power, but
> it may be worth it to you.
> So if you're looking recommendations for a Windows laptop, I'd go with
> an upper level Dell with next-day replacement...
> look at the ruggedized models put out by Panasonic, Dell, and some
> other vendors, although I don't have any personal experience with
> those models.
> Art
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