Dear Framers:

It's been seven months since I joined this list.  I had never seen
FrameMaker before in my life, and while I was proficient with parts of
Word, I'd never worked with documents that required more than a TOC,
autonumbering and an appendix.

Last week, I was asked to do a number of things in FrameMaker, and I
realized, "Hey!  I know how to do this!"

So, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your help and
willingness to share.  You all have been incredibly helpful to me,
answering my questions and patiently repeating instructions until the
lightbulb went off in my head.

There are so many things I still don't know (what's a MIF?  what is
DITA?  etc etc), but I am so grateful and appreciative for what I have
learned, and I know I could not have done it without this community.

Thank you all so very much.


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