Three options for repeating text:

1. You can have more than one text inset in a file so long as you put
each one in its own uniquely named flow.
2. If you like the idea of variables, why not add them to the template
file you use to create new documents? No reimporting needed.
3. Get the Autotext plugin from Silicon Graphics.

Text insets and variables will let you change content and have it
automatically update.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Doug <> wrote:
> Hello:
> Is there a way to define a cross-reference format such that this cross
> reference does not generate an active hyperlink in a PDF file?
> I use cross references as a convenient way to reuse content from a
> single location.  I've defined these cross references to show up in
> black text whereas the cross references that I want people to link to
> are defined to show up in blue text.  I figured that readers will then
> know that blue text is a hyperlink and only try to click on that text.
>  No one has ever complained -- until yesterday, when an employee
> noticed the "hidden" link.  Text insets aren't really practical
> because you can only put one pience of content per file.  Variables
> might be an option since the reused text is relatively short in my
> case, but variables seem a lot more error-prone to me, as I'd always
> have to remember to reimport the variable definitions to all the
> documents in my book, whereas cross references update automatically.
> If anyone knows a way to create cross references that don't convert to
> hyperlinks, I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> Doug
> p.s.  I'm using unstructured FrameMaker, version 7.2.

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