We get this exact same response with all but one printer we use,  
"These are RGB you need to fix."
I don't understand why they give us the runaround as they have the  
software and ability to take just about any rgb pdf and make the  
necessary plates for printing.
I have to get on the phone with them time and time again about this. I  
have to do this for all my clients who want to print as well.

I'm hoping the FM9 can at least make these print houses happy by  
giving true 4-color or 2-color output like the old FM 7.0 on the mac  
What I have seen is if I "save as" the PDF file comes out right as  
long as my setup is correct on my end.
I now have a sample sent to my reliable printer, the one who never  
questions my jobs but just does the transformation for me, of a PDF  
created using FM9, setup for four-color, and acrobat distiller. We  
shall see.

Scott White
Media Production Manager
Implementation Coordinator

On Jan 27, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Alan Litchfield wrote:

> Howard,
> Let's just say first that there is a lot of confusion about how to  
> deal with
> RGB channels in "print <nearly> ready" pdfs. But you say you are  
> able to
> output separations (two plates, I take it from your description -  
> one spot and
> one black) so the plate makers should be able to convert any RGB to  
> black in
> both separations.
> Howard Rauch wrote:
>> Over the past several years, we have done 5 or 6 major documents  
>> and have had
>> a problem with RGB color in each one. A printing house sees us  
>> coming and
>> tries to go into a hiding because the original was a FM document.
> Then choose a different supplier. They obviously don't want the work.
>> We are currently finishing up another catalog (document) and have  
>> sent sample
>> pages to the graphics house. The response is that the FM sample  
>> pages have
>> "RGB channels" and are not suitable for offset printing.
> As above. But there is no such thing as an "RGB channel". RGB is three
> channels, one for Red, one for Green, and one for Blue. An  
> application may
> handle the three of them together for the sake of expediency.
>> The graphics house
>> has now recommended that we use PhotoShop to set up a gray-scale  
>> channel for
>> the spot color and import the gray-scale document into FM.
> If you are talking about an image that is in greyscale and if people  
> are
> getting toey about it then save it as an eps or pdf and use that  
> with the spot
> colour defined. When it is separated that spot colour will be  
> retained as a
> separated plate.
>> My questions are these:
>> - Is there a workaround, plug-in, or something that will enable me  
>> to get rid
>> of the "RGB channels" and still allow me to use the spot color in  
>> Frame?
> As above. Prepress software is has been capable of converting RGB to  
> spot or
> CMYK values for at least 10 years. This is not new technology. It is  
> not
> something you need to do, it is handled by the prepress operator.
>> - Would FM9 or the new FM Graphics Suite solve the RGB/spot color  
>> problem?
> The word on the street is that it does, but only if you export to or  
> save as
> pdf. Not if you print. Others will correct me if I am wrong.
> Alan
> -- 
> Alan Litchfield MBus (Hons), MNZCS
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 1941, Auckland
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz
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