

Thanks to so many of you for the emails and assistance in  helping me to
understand how to get this "newfangled" FM workspace idea to actually work
for me. I am still having a few quirks - like having to periodically reset
it after I have been hammering away in FM all day, but it's getting better.
I do have one nagging question about the setup:


I currently have my Standard workspace set up as follows from left to right
- My book file, the pane for an individual FM file, by paragraph and
character catalogs opened and stacked on top of each other, my most commonly
used pods in a docked list, and my drawing bar. I have all of my files
opening as tabs across the top. The only thing I can't get to hold constant
is the width of my book file. I squish the book file to the width that I
want, expand my pane for my individual chapter files, and save the
workspace. When I open my workspace, it all opens as described above but
with one exception - the book file is  opened wider than I want (it opens to
the same bigger width every time) and the pane for my chapter file is
squished down, so I have to squish the book file and open the chapter file


Is there a way to keep the book file squished down to the width that I want
when I open my workspace?






Tammy Van Boening


Spectrum Writing, LLC



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