Hi all,

Sorry I couldn't get back to this sooner.

I read the responses. Since there is a saying in my local culture that says
"*They* are allowed, and *you* are not", which I interpret as meaning that
the individual has to abide by the opinion of the majority (and even maybe
also realign his head)...

... I therefore humbly bow my head to the large majority opinion.

Actually ... it's not the $60 that's the problem. There is going to be a
simply a practical problem of  what will probably turn out to be the $60
multiplied up many times. I am not used to living with deficiencies and
bugs. In Word, I program my own solutions. In FM, for the time being, I am
going to have to pay a lot of money I don't have, or else "justify"
the deficiencies to my clients.

>> OTOH, a VBA Word macro can be written by script kiddies in a few minutes.

I assume this is a joke. I have written whole applications and tools in Word
VBA that took many days. Of my favorite is an auto linker, allowing you to
type in any section name or legal (dot) number and, at a click, the tool
replaces it with a a cross-reference to the section name or legal number.
Another is a package that provides a stable alternative to Word's list
numbering, but using SEQ fields.

This joke reminds me of the one about Pascal programmers that goes like
this: "What's the difference between Pascal programmers and assembly
language programmers. Assembly language programmers play rugby, whereas Pascal
programmers play tiddlywinks..."


  - avi

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:57 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jer...@omsys.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 08:29:19 +0300, Avraham Makeler
> <amake...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Rick Quattro's Table Cleaner plugin
> An excellent tool, as many have said.
> >Thought I would sleep on this before responding... well here goes...
> You need more sleep.  ;-)
> >$60 for just o-n-e utility...? $60 is the price of many complete
> >applications -- ok not an MS app or an Adobe app, but an app. I have
> written
> >a number of complete Word VBA programs and until now it never occured to
> me
> >to ask more than about $20. Oh well ... Supply & Demand... if it sells...
> it
> >sells...
> I'll just add one more kick to this very dead horse, from
> the perspective of a toolmaker.  Frame plugins like Rick
> makes are not trivial.  They require a very experienced
> C/C++ programmer who knows *all* the nasty little bits of
> the FDK that are undocumented, as well as the massive part
> that is documented.  Development time for this is not short.
> And market size is around 1% of that for a Word plugin.
> OTOH, a VBA Word macro can be written by script kiddies
> in a few minutes.
> A price of $60 for a Frame plugin is very, very low.
> A price of $20 for a Word macro, euphemistically called
> a "program", sounds kinda high.  ;-)  Most are free.
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>  <jer...@omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/
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