Alison Craig wrote:
> When I created the book (printing a PS file then distilling to PDF), what
> had been App D suddenly numbered itself App I, but the page numbering knows
> it's still App D (ie, pages are still D-1, D-2) and the TOC lists it as App
> D as well (also with the correct page reference). The PDF Bookmarks pane
> lists it as App I.
> I checked to ensure that the correct Para style was applied to the App
> title and it's identical to that applied to the heading in App C. (As I
> actually created the new App C by copying the existing App C to a new file,
> there should definitely be no differences.)
> I compared the numbering settings in the book pane to ensure the settings
> were the same as App C and they are:
> Volume: Continue Numbering from Previous File in Book
> Chapter: Continue Numbering from Previous Chapter in Book
> Section: N/A
> Sub-Section: N/A
> Page: First Page # 1, Format Numeric
> Paragraph: Continue Numbering from Previous Paragraph in Book
> Footer: Start Over on Each Page: Numeric
> Table Footnote: Format alphabetic

There's nothing in your numbering settings that controls your appendix 
numbering. Why is that, and how are you specifying the autonumber in your 
appendix titles? 

Since you're continuing paragraph numbering from the preceding file, I'm 
guessing your appendix titles use some old-style (<n+>) autonumber sequence 
that has the same series label as something in the preceding file. 

The standard way to do this is to use the $chapnum variable for both chapter 
and appendix numbers. In the book-level numbering, for first appendix, set 
Chapter # to 1 and Format to ALPHA. The following appendices can remain set to 
Continue (just like all chapters after the first). 

I see you've fixed it for now by giving up on autonumbering, which is 
understandable facing a deadline. But when you have some time, you should 
revisit that. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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