All I did was go to the book in Internet Explorer, double-click to open it
and then I was opening one file at a time in the book. I was mouse-driven
the whole time - I promise I never touched the keyboard at all during the
opening of the book or files. What on earth is the keyboard shortcut for
View > Options > Display all Graphics? I didn't even know that it existed.


Tammy Van Boening
Spectrum Writing, LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Rogers [] 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Disappearing graphics in Framemaker files

I suspect that you had accidently hit the keyboard shortcut equivalent 
to View > Options > Display Graphics, thereby hiding all the images. 
(Or somehow FM decided to turn that option off for you ;-)

Importing a new image always turns that setting back on, revealing all 
the images.


On 21/01/2011 11:56 AM, Spectrum Writing wrote:
> All,
> Now that I can catch my breath after a major panic, hopefully, I can
> accurately describe a problem that I just had in a large Framemaker book -
> one that I had NEVER seen before and one that took some weird fixes.
> Working on a Win 7, 64-bit system, 12GB memory, dual quad processors with
> 9.0 all patched and current. I have a Framemaker book file with 14 files
> it, two of which are some standard generated files, a TOC and an Index. I
> have been working on this book for over a month now without any issues.
> Today, I opened all the files in the book and all, and I do mean>ALL<
> graphics were just apparently "gone" from each and every file. Every
> solitary anchored frame that had an imported graphic (by reference) file
> blank, but yet when the files opened, I did not get the message about "FM
> cannot find a graphic file." I also have graphics on my Reference pages
> are pulled into some paragraph tags that I had and these too were gone -
> poof! I couldn't really fathom what I was seeing. In fact, when I opened
> viewed the Reference page for each of these files, the graphics on the
> Reference pages were "gone" as well. Only the name of the graphic above
> anchored frame was displayed.
> I first opened a file in a completely different book in a completely
> different directory that uses the same Reference page layout and reference
> page graphics and all was OK, so I tried MULTIPLE times to import this
> reference page into the files with the apparently missing graphics to no
> avail. I would select File>  Import>  Formats, confirm that Reference
> Page/Page Layouts/Paragraph Tags, etc. was selected and with an affected
> file open, import from this good file. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Nothing
> the affected file was being changed  - the Reference page stayed blank,
> In desperation,  in an affected file, I selected an anchored frame and
> imported the apparently missing graphic into an anchored frame and VOILA!
>>> ALL<<  and I do mean all the graphics "reappeared" in all their glory in
> all their anchored frames - no error messages, nothing. This included the
> graphics that were pulled in by reference pages.
> I repeated this process for all the affected files - reimporting a single
> graphic into a single anchored frame to update all the missing graphics.
> Here's the real kicker - in some cases in which I reimported the missing
> graphic, it was displayed on top of the same graphic - like I was
> over an already existing graphic, even tho' the existing graphic wasn't
> displayed until I reimported it. It was like FM lost its memory and simply
> forgot the path to the graphics folder, and nope, I hadn't moved any
> folders, renamed files, etc. It was the same old book in the same old
> with the same old file structure that I have had for a month now.
> Has anyone ever seen this before and if so, do you have any insight as to
> what would be the cause of this? I can't imagine that with 12GB RAM,
> would be an issue. I had standard applications open on my desktop that I
> always have when working - Outlook, MS Internet Explorer, Skype,
> (a recording app. for Skype), and the application to which I am writing.
> This has been my MO since the cows came home, and I have never seen it
> before, and I hope to never see it again.
> TIA,

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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