On Tue, 1 Mar 2011 14:23:06 -0500, "Rick Quatro" <r...@rickquatro.com> 

>I agree with Scott. For me, FrameMaker 8 is the gold standard. It supports

I agree.  I use FM 8 myself, and our pubs manager uses 7.0.
If you don't need Unicode, there's no reason to go past 7.
And if you do need Unicode, there's no reason to go past 8.

>but is not encumbered by the new interface and slow performance of
>FrameMaker 9 (the Windows Millennium version of FrameMaker :-)). FrameMaker
>10 is better than 9, but, as Scott said, only upgrade if you need some of
>the new features.

*What* new features???  The majority of those claimed
are, IMHO, hype.  Some don't work at all (the "new" CMYK
support), others (like DITA) are far better supported by
much less expensive third-party software (DITA-FMx).

And one of the elephants in the living room is that there
is *no* FDK support for the new UI, making it very hard 
for any third-party app to play nice with 9 and 10.  The
FDK still has the docs for 7.0, the last time any real
engineering occurred, IMHO.  You know, before they fired 
the surviving staff from Frame Tech so as to make more
money by outsourcing "development" to India.  <sigh/>

I'm just sad that the product I've appreciated, supported,
and recommended since version 3.0 has come to this...

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jer...@omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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