
It's about FrameMaker/Print Document :

Is it possible:

*to set the print page range for all files of a book

*to uncheck Print to File
*to check Generate Acrobate Data

2008/5/7 Alexandre Mazouz <alexandre.maz...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Thanks for your help.
> For the problem :
> >runfm Ver. 3.3, Build 003
> >
> >runfm project "pdf doc" started: Mon May 05 17:52:01 2008
> >
> >Opened document:
> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm
> \PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
> >Current active document:
> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
> >Making PDF for:
> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
> >PDF file: G:\erules\data\_src\_new\nr500\pdf\n00010002\00120004.pdf
> >PDF not found: C:\Documents and Settings\amazouz\Mes
> >documents\PartBChap12Sect04.pdf
> The file has unavailable fonts. It's the reason why the runfm can not
> convert.
> For the second problem :
> >runfm Ver. 3.3, Build 003
> >
> >runfm project "pdf doc" started: Mon May 05 17:30:08 2008
> >
> >Opened document:
> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm
> \PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
> >Current active document:
> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
> >Making PDF for:
> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
> >PDF file: G:\erules\data\_src\_new\nr500\pdf\n00010002\00110003.pdf
> >PDF failed: Unknown error. (-27)
> I have created a new  file, copy/past the content of the old in the new,
> and all it seems to work well.
> As you have said, FM that doesn't convert PDF with FrameMaker can not
> convert with runfm.
> Thanks a lot,
> Alexandre
> 2008/5/7 Jeremy H. Griffith <jer...@omsys.com>:
> On Mon, 5 May 2008 17:57:39 +0200, "Alexandre Mazouz"
>> <alexandre.maz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >I am new User of the command Line runfm.exe (Mif2Go of OmniSystems Inc.).
>> ;-)
>> >I have created a batch file containing a list of runfm to generate PDF.
>> >but for some files i have problems without solution.
>> >Look to the messages from the FrameMaker Console Window :
>> >
>> >1)
>> >C:\Documents and Settings\amazouz>runfm -doc
>> >"D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Ch
>> >apter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm" -pdf doc
>> >"G:\erules\data\_src\_new\nr500\pdf\n0001
>> >0002\00110003.pdf" -close doc
>> >=>
>> >runfm Ver. 3.3, Build 003
>> >
>> >runfm project "pdf doc" started: Mon May 05 17:30:08 2008
>> >
>> >Opened document:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
>> >Current active document:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
>> >Making PDF for:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
>> >PDF file: G:\erules\data\_src\_new\nr500\pdf\n00010002\00110003.pdf
>> >PDF failed: Unknown error. (-27)
>> That happened when F_ApiSilentPrintDoc() returned FE_BadOperation,
>> which is not documented in the FDK.  Have you tried making the PDF
>> for this doc by hand?  If that doesn't work, runfm won't either.
>> If it does, runfm *should* work.
>> >Failure in Frame FDK client: OmniBookExport
>> >runfm project failed: Mon May 05 17:30:08 2008
>> >
>> >Closed document:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter11\PartBChap11Sect03.fm
>> >
>> >I don't understand???
>> The error you got is not one of the two documented for that FDK
>> function, so you'll need to do the usual troubleshooting for
>> PDF problems.  Sometimes there's a graphic Distiller doesn't
>> like.  If you get an error when you make the PDF manually in
>> Frame (by printing to the Adobe PDF printer, *not* by SaveAs PDF),
>> try cutting the file in half, and see which part still has the
>> problem.  Repeat until you identify the exact point of trouble.
>> >2)
>> >runfm -doc "D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Ch
>> >apter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm" -pdf doc
>> >"G:\erules\data\_src\_new\nr500\pdf\n0001
>> >0002\00120004.pdf" -close doc
>> >=>
>> >runfm Ver. 3.3, Build 003
>> >
>> >runfm project "pdf doc" started: Mon May 05 17:52:01 2008
>> >
>> >Opened document:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
>> >Current active document:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
>> >Making PDF for:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
>> >PDF file: G:\erules\data\_src\_new\nr500\pdf\n00010002\00120004.pdf
>> >PDF not found: C:\Documents and Settings\amazouz\Mes
>> >documents\PartBChap12Sect04.pdf
>> When Distiller makes the PDF, it always writes it to "My Documents"
>> for the logged-in user (in your case, "amazouz\Mes documents").  If
>> it fails, we *may* not get an error back from the FDK, but the file
>> simply isn't there.  That's what happened here.  When we *do* find
>> the file, we move it to the destination you specified.  We do *not*
>> depend on the English name for the directory; we get the path from
>> Windows for the current session by an API call.
>> >runfm project completed: Mon May 05 17:53:13 2008
>> >
>> >Closed document:
>> >D:\consolidation\nr500\fm\PartB\Chapter12\PartBChap12Sect04.fm
>> >
>> >It appends only for 4 or 5 fm files.All others are well.
>> That's good, it means your installation is correct.  The trouble
>> is in the failing files themselves (at least, Distiller thinks so).
>> >I have carefully check my Distiller and Adobe PDF, it seems okay.
>> >
>> >Have you any idea?
>> It's a good idea, when using runfm, to start by doing the same
>> operation you want to automate from within FrameMaker, by hand.
>> Watch for errors.  If it doesn't work that way, runfm won't
>> work either.
>> You can also tell runfm to write even more diagnostics by adding:
>>  -diag
>> to your command line, and you can save the messages to a file:
>>  -log logfile.txt
>> New messages are appended to the file, so you can use the same
>> file for many sessions.  If you specify -log with no name, we
>> use mif2go.log in the current directory.
>> HTH!
>> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>>  <jer...@omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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