Thanks to everyone who responded. At David Spreadbury's suggestion, I am
using the trial version of NitroPDF to convert the PDF to Word, then
saving the Word as HTML to extract the images. They look as good as the
originals (which isn't always great, but that's not NitroPDF's fault.)

I tried Acrobat's "Export All Images" feature, but the results were not
good. It's possible I could change settings to make them better, but
NitroPDF has done what I need.

"Let what comes, come,
Let what goes, go,
Find out what remains."
Sri Ramana Maharshi

                From: Robert Shelton 
                Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 9:37 AM
                Subject: PDF back into Frame?

                I need to convert PDF output files back into their
unstructured Frame 7 source (company acquisition, missing/out-of-date
source files, no one left who can find the latest sources if they
exist). I can save as Word from PDF and then open the Word document in
Frame. When I do that, the graphics are all embedded in the Word doc,
and the resolution really takes a hit. I also tried saving the PDF as
HTML. This gets me separate graphics files, but again the resolution
isn't as good as the original.

                Are there any better solutions?

                Running Frame 7 and Acrobat Pro 7.1.1 on Windows XP
(it's been a while since I updated my tools).

                Thanks very much.


                HF: "So what do we do?"
                PH: "Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well."
                HF: "How?"
                PH: "I don't know. It's a mystery."
                --Shakespeare in Love

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