Adobe Acrobat Pro 9, all patched. Win 7, 64 bit.


All of a sudden, I am receiving the following message about my installation
of Adobe Acrobat Pro - You cannot use this product at this time. You must
repair the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling the product, or
contacting your IT administrator or Adobe Customer support for help. 


Why this has just started I do not know. The product has been successfully
installed and activated for almost two years now. I tried the Repair Adobe
Installation option and that does not work. I cannot uninstall the product
until I deactivate it first, but I do not have a deactivate option under
Help, only the Repair Acrobat Installation option. 


Has anyone else seen and/or run into this issue and if so, what did you do?


I tried contacting Customer Support (via chat) who has helped me activate
software twice before, but they absolutely claim that although they can help
me activate software, they can't help me deactivate it. When I ask why, I
get the standard ill-worded Adobe canned response:


Please call the technical department at 800-833-6687.Monday-Friday, 5am to
7pm (Pacific Time) to get resolve this issue.


They did direct me to Help > Deactivate, even though I explicitly stated two
times in my chat that I do NOT have that as an option. Only the Repair
option. They then directed me to use the Repair option even tho' I also
explicitly stated that I had tried that twice and that had not worked.


I would love to rant at this point, but I think you get the gist.


Any ideas, thoughts, etc? 









Tammy Van Boening


Spectrum Writing, LLC



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