A long time FrameMaker can create a PDF with different page sizes.


1. Little different in every release (and build - remember FM 10.x on
Win7 64-bit!)

2. Every change of page size must go along with a new file in a book.

3. Easy to keep in mind is following steps (in every FrameMaker release
- hopefully)

    Print the book with Adobe PDF Printer as .ps:

  + change the max of page size to the max of your page 
     (important: the ps-file get the information of the page size and
FrameMaker and Adobe PDF driver are artful

  + Print in file as .ps

     (Every fm-page size get his same ps-page size) 

  + then it's easy to open the ps-file with the Distiller - and the
right pdf is ready 


-          Georg


Debra wrote:


Hi Carmelo,

I've done this by using the Adobe PDF printer and saving the file as a
.ps (postscript file), opening it using Distiller, and saving the PDF.
You should have no problem, but if you do I have instructions written in
full to guide you through this process.



Question from Carmelo:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Carmelo Scaffidi
<carme...@jetiprinters.com <mailto:carme...@jetiprinters.com> > wrote:

How to create a PDF from a FrameMaker 8 book containing files with
different page sizes (letter and tabloid)?



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