FrameMaker 10, Windows 7 64 bit, all apps up to date.

I am single-sourcing some content here (unstructured), and this issue is
driving me bug eyed. I am using a lot of text insets that have
numbering. I have two styles for numbering these - one that sets the
numbering to start at 1, and the other to increment the numbering. 

I keep the formatting of the text inset when I import to the main
document. For some reason Frame displays a brand new 1 after the end of
the numbered list, ONLY in the main document. I do not see it in the raw
text inset. I've added spaces, added lines with body styles - even tried
pulling all my hair out. Nothing seems to resolve this extraneous

There is a clue however - this number only EVER appears on the very last
page. I have 33 pages here, full of text insets with numbering. None
misbehaves except the very last one. Anyone have a hint?

Steve Cavanaugh


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