CMOS 16th ed., section 16.14 suggests that for page numbers 101-109 and similar to use changed part only; for 110-199 and similar, used two digits unless more are needed to include all changed parts.


Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 07:44:19 -0400
From: "Kenneth C. Benson" <>
Subject: Re: OT: Index page ranges
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

This is Chicago Manual of Style, I'm pretty sure (I don't have one
here). The rule is not to repeat the hundreds digit if it's the same on
both ends of the range. I think, then, that 244-247 should become 244-47
(not 244-7). Makes it very hard to search for page ranges replacing
hyphen with en dash. I suspect (based on when I began seeing this) that
CMS changed this style around 2000.

Kenneth Benson
Pegasus Type

On 9/5/2012 11:15 AM, Rick Quatro wrote:
 Hi Framers,

 This is more of a curiosity than anything. I was browsing the index in a
 book last night and I noticed that at the end of page ranges, common numbers
 are suppressed. For example 244-7 instead of 244-247 and 138-41 instead of
 138-141. Is this simply to save space, or is there some kind of style
 recommendation for this? Thanks for any insight.


 Rick Quatro
 Carmen Publishing Inc.

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