Thanks to everyone who responded to my request to solve this mystery. I figured 
it was probably done with named destinations somehow but I've searched the 
files and I can't find any evidence of the necessary links - no hypertext 
markers or pdfmark text boxes. I looked at the Destinations panel in a a PDF 
where this worked as Jennifer suggested (thanks for that tip!) and I see the 
auto-generated destinations but not any that look like they were manually 
created for help button links.

Ultimately, I plan to create an HTML-based online help system for the product 
that will be easier to maintain in the long run. In the meantime it looks like 
the PDF problem will remain a mystery for now.

Thanks again,


[] On Behalf Of Harvey, Peggy
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:38 PM
To: ''
Subject: Using PDF for context-sensitive help


I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I've come into a situation 
where I need to maintain an online help system that uses a PDF document as the 
target. When you click a Help button in a dialog box it's supposed to bring up 
a particular page (or go to a particular heading) in the PDF - not just open 
the PDF on page 1. Does anyone know how this might be done? The PDF is created 
from FrameMaker so I'm assuming there must be markers in the FrameMaker files 
somewhere but I can't find them, or I'm not sure what to look for. The person 
who created this system isn't here anymore so I'm trying to figure out what he 
did to make this work. When it worked the PDF was created from FrameMaker 7; 
I'm using FrameMaker 9. It appears all of the Help buttons in the product are 
broken now - they open up the PDF file I created in FM 9 but only to the first 
page, so they aren't context-sensitive anymore. I don't know if upgrading to FM 
9 made a difference here or not.

I know using PDF for context-sensitive help isn't ideal - that's a different 

Thanks for your help -


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