Thanks, Rick, but using all the default configuration files, the *default* key 
sequences (Cmd,t,m,u and Cmd,t,m,d) don't work, eitherIf the underlying command 
isn't working with the default key sequence, I think the issue of the syntax of 
my modification sequences is moot.


Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 07:33:19 -0400

Hi Fred, I specifically tested the four I modified with FrameMaker 10 and they 
worked. I don't have 9 anymore so I can't test it with 9. Send me the modify 
sequences you tried and I will test them. It could be a problem specific to 9, 
but maybe the syntax isn't exactly right. Thanks. Rick From: Fred Ridder 
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:11 AM
Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables Thanks Rick and Syed.

In my poking around earlier today, I did find these commands in cmds.cfg and 
tried to reassign the MoveIPToCellAbove and ...CellBelow commands to more 
convenient shortcut keys. But whether I left them alone, changed the 
<KeySequence > definition, or added a <Modify > command, those two MoveIP 
commands refuse to do anything. ...CellAtLeft and ...CellAtRight both work, as 
do MoveIPUpAndSelectText and MoveIPDownAndSelectText, but not the two commands 
I specifically want to use. I suppose I'll just have to use the move and select 
commands, because at least it's better than having to reach for the mouse every 
damn time.

What's frustrating is that I *know* these commands worked in FM5.5.6, 6.0, 7.x 
and 8.0. Chalk up one mlore feature that got broken and never fixed when Adobe 
saw fit to impose their stupid and inconvenient (and buggy...) UI on us with 
version 9.0. Sigh...

I suppose I *should* report this bug to Adobe, but every time I have done it in 
the past has been an exercise in ultimate frustration. Every time it has taken 
me between one and two hours to accomplish something that should have taken 
10-15 minutes. And ever since software development and maintenance was moved to 
Bangalore, the only response I have ever gotten to a reported bug was that "we 
fixed the software to make it work the way it was supposed to work". Never mind 
that the new behavior was illogical and inconsistent with how other similar 
features worked, the mere fact that FrameMaker now behaved differently meant 
that a whole flock of my carefully designed procedures and processes no longer 
worked. I might have chalked it up to job security, but my employer (by 
acquisition...) chose to shut down their operation here in New Jersey. But 
that's a story for another day...

Thanks for your efforts, guys.

Fred Ridder > From:
> To:;;; 
> Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables
> Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:04:34 -0400
> Open the FrameMaker/Fminit/Config/customui.cfg file in a text editor and add
> these lines:
> <Modify MoveIPToCellAtRight <KeySequence /Right >>
> <Modify MoveIPToCellAtLeft <KeySequence /Left >>
> <Modify MoveIPToCellAbove <KeySequence /Up >>
> <Modify MoveIPToCellBelow <KeySequence /Down >>
> Quit and restart FrameMaker. Then you should be able to navigate cells using
> the arrow keys. If you want the target cell selected when you move to it,
> you may have to substitute one of the other table commands. Here is a list
> of them:
> <Command MoveIPToCellAtRight
> <Label Move IP To Cell At Right>
> <KeySequence \!tmr>
> <Definition \xFB1>>
> <Command MoveIPToCellAtLeft
> <Label Move IP To Cell At Left>
> <KeySequence \!tml>
> <Definition \xFB2>>
> <Command MoveIPToCellAbove
> <Label Move IP To Cell Above>
> <KeySequence \!tmu>
> <Definition \xFB3>>
> <Command MoveIPUpAndSelectText
> <Label Move IP Up And Select Text>
> <KeySequence \!tmua>
> <Definition \xFB3 \xFA4>>
> <Command MoveIPToCellBelow
> <Label Move IP To Cell Below>
> <KeySequence \!tmd>
> <Definition \xFB4>>
> <Command MoveIPDownAndSelectText
> <Label Move IP Down And Select Text>
> <KeySequence \!tmda>
> <Definition \xFB4 \xFA4>>
> <Command MoveIPToLeftmostCell
> <Label Move IP To Leftmost Cell>
> <KeySequence \!tma>
> <Definition \xFB5>>
> <Command MoveIPToRightmostCell
> <Label Move IP To Rightmost Cell>
> <KeySequence \!tme>
> <Definition \xFB6>>
> <Command MoveIPToNextCell
> <Label Move IP To Next Cell>
> <KeySequence \!tmn>
> <Definition \xFB7>>
> <Command MoveIPToPreviousCell
> <Label Move IP To Previous Cell>
> <KeySequence \!tmp>
> <Definition \xFB8>>
> <Command MoveIPToColumnTop
> <Label Move IP To Column Top>
> <KeySequence \!tmt>
> <Definition \xFB9>>
> <Command MoveIPToColumnBottom
> <Label Move IP To Column Bottom>
> <KeySequence \!tmb>
> <Definition \xFBA>>
> <Command MoveIPToTopLeftCell
> <Label Move IP To Top Left Cell>
> <KeySequence \!tmT>
> <Definition \xFB9 \xFB5>
> <Mode All>>
> Rick Quatro
> Carmen Publishing Inc.
> 585-283-5045
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Syed Zaeem Hosain
> (
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 7:26 PM
> To: Alison Craig; Fred Ridder;
> Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables
> The sequence "<Escape>tmda" will move the Insertion Point down one cell and
> highlight the text in it.
> The sequence "<Escape>tmd" (i.e., without the 'a') is support to just move
> the Insertion Point down one cell. But it does not seem to work ... :(
> And, of course, "<Escape>tmua" goes up one cell. Again, for some reason
> unknown to me, "<Escape>tmu" does not work ...
> What I have not been able to figure out is how to tie the arrow keys to this
> sequence of keystroke when in cells. None of the above sequences are short
> enough ... the arrow keys are the way to do it.
> FWIW, this is also one of _my_ pet peeves with FrameMaker . and it is one
> thing that Word gets right, annoyingly.
> Z

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