One solution to this is to define the KeySequence for navigation
within a table to use one or more modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, or
Alt) in addition to the cursor keys. This change does not affect
the function of the unmodified cursor keys in regular text.
To specify a modifier key in a KeySequence string, just use a
plus sign for Shift, a caret for Ctrl, or a tilde for Alt. The
modifier key symbol(s) needs to appear at the start of the
string with no space (i.e. immediately to the left of the
slash). For example:
would define the keystroke combination for moving down a row in
a table to be the Ctrl key plus the down arrow cursor key.
BTW, all of this is documented in a PDF called
CustomizingfFrameProducts.pdf that Adobe used to distribute in
the Documentation directory of the FrameMaker installation.
Unfortunately, this document was last updated for FrameMaker
7.0, and was no longer distributed with versions after 9.0. I
would hope that this file is still available somewhere on the
Adobe website, but I suspect that may be over-optimistic.
> Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 10:02:10 -0400
> Subject: Re: Cursor key navigation in tables - and
another thing (graphic frame placement)
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> I created a customui.cfg file and put it in the
fminit\configui folder
> and it works perfectly. The only caveat, as I noted in a
> email, is that cursor navigation apparently no longer
works in regular
> text.
> Bruce Foster's ImpGraph plugin did what you wanted, but
with his death
> it is, as far as I know, no longer available. Maybe
someone has a copy
> they'd be willing to give you.
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Heidi Bailey
<> wrote:
> > Hi Rick,
> > I'd love to apply what you describe below. However,
in my FM10 Fminit folder, I have a configui folder (no config
folder), and no customui.cfg file. Can you tell me which of
the files in there is the right one:
> >
> > Cmds.cfg (which I see someone has already
> > Mathcmds.cfg
> > Sample.cfg
> > Wincmds.cfg
> >
> > Or do I need to create a config folder and a file
called customui.cfg?
> >
> >
> > Oh, and while I'm emailing the list:
> > Whenever I put a new graphic frame in (eg when doing
Esc fif to place a screenshot), FM centers the frame. I need
my graphic frames left-aligned, so it is a pain to have to
reset this each time.
> > I hunted through the maker.ini file but found
nothing. Is there some way of setting FM to always left-align
new graphic frames?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Heidi
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Message: 11
> > Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:04:34 -0400
> > From: "Rick Quatro"
> > To: "'Syed Zaeem Hosain'"
<>, "'Alison Craig'"
> >
<>, "'Fred Ridder'"
> >
> > Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables
> > Message-ID:
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> >
> > Open the FrameMaker/Fminit/Config/customui.cfg file
in a text editor and add
> > these lines:
> >
> > <Modify MoveIPToCellAtRight <KeySequence
/Right >>
> > <Modify MoveIPToCellAtLeft <KeySequence /Left
> > <Modify MoveIPToCellAbove <KeySequence /Up
> > <Modify MoveIPToCellBelow <KeySequence /Down
> >
> > Quit and restart FrameMaker. Then you should be able
to navigate cells using
> > the arrow keys.