John Posada wrote
> I have a 1,500+ FM11 book that is divided into two volumes. The book has a TOC
> and Index with both volumes. Both Volume 1 and 2 have covers and the 
> pagination
> starts at 1 for each volume. Everything good. It's also conceivable that I'll 
> eventually
> have Volumes 3, 4, 5, and 6.
> Now, I want to put the same TOC in the front of both Volumes and the Index at 
> the
> end of both volume.. What is the suggested approach?

Are both volumes in a single .book file? Or do you have separate .books for 
each volume? 

If it's one book: 
1. create the TOC and place it in Volume 1.
2. create an empty file where the TOC for volume 2 should go.
3. In this empty file, place the Volume 1 TOC as a text inset. 

If it's two books:
1. create a third book that contains both volumes. Make sure the page numbering 
settings are consistent with your volumes.. 
2. add a TOC to this book and generate it.
3. take this TOC and add it to both volumes as an ordinary (non-generated) FM 

In both cases, you may have to update the book multiple times until all the 
page numbers are correct. 

Harro de Jong


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