Mar 26 @ 2PM PAC "Deliver S1000D IETM for iPad w FrameMaker, RoboHelp and ADG's
R4i Suite" -- dynamic demo!

This will be a Real USER Demonstration of FrameMaker 11 interacting with the R4i
CSDB for the Authoring and Validation process, before publishing from the Common
Source DataBase to an S1000D IETM which will then be opened in RoboHelp to
output as a fully functional HTML IETM and iPad IETM.

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Demonstration includes real content:

== S1000D Data Module (DM) management within a CSDB
== Checking a DM out into FrameMaker 11 and updating content
== Inserting a graphic & refdm via the CSDB's R4i Cross Reference Manager
== Saving the file and checking in to the CSDB
== Load Media Generator & select Output Templates
== Create the HTML IETM
== Copy files into RobHelp Project directory (including graphics)
== Open RoboHelp Project
== Import all documents into Project
== Add TOC entry to Project
== From RoboHelp generate:
== HTML Help and demonstrate capability
== iPad IETM and demonstrate capability

About the Presenter: Tammy Halter is the founder and sole Director of Absolute
Data Group, with over 17 years experience in the info technology field;
including SGML/XML publishing, S1000D Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
(IETM) and IETP delivery, combined with doc management experience with various
solution companies. Tammy has been a technical trainer, support engineer and
project manager for several SGML software Distributors over the years, and was
the Frame Product Engineer, Asia Pacific & Latin America for Adobe Systems in

Maxwell Hoffmann |  Product  Evangelist  |  Adobe  |  p. 503.336.5952  |  c. 
503.805.3719  |

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