Hello Tammy,

I imagine that someone has suggested this already but for speeding up temporary 
navigation (e.g. if you need to zoom down to 25%), use View->Options and 
"uncheck" graphics. This makes all graphics disappear. You can arrive at your 
destination more swiftly and then reverse the process (e.g. "check" graphics) 
so you can view the image as you write.

The keyboard short cut is ALT v o --

Other remote possibility of speed issues is if you have checked "Save 
FrameImage with Imported Graphics" under Preferences.

I still have FM7.2 loaded (for testing comparison) on my personal WinXP 
machine. I have noticed that even that older version of FM runs slower than it 
did "when new" due to the many successive WinXP upgrades. I speculate that 
there may be some connection. The PC environment has changed considerably since 
FM7 and FM8 were released.


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From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Tammy Van Boening
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:33 AM
To: framers@lists.frameusers.com
Subject: RE: Very slow paging in FM 10 in graphic-heavy files

Thank you to everyone for all their insight into this issue. I have received a 
myriad of onlist and offlist responses, and they range from others having 
identical issues and not being able to resolve them to some resolution 
depending on if you turned off graphics, pods, etc. One interesting comment 
that was made to me offlist on a few occasions was that the problem seemed to 
really come to the forefront after the last few rounds of Windows updates, and 
that is truly something that I have noticed as well.  A few people commented 
that overall FM 10 response in almost every aspect was noticeably slowed after 
this last round of updates and this was working local or w/ both the files and 
graphics stored on a network.  For now, I am going to keep all pods closed and 
be somewhat thankful that I am pretty keyboard driven for commands (which harks 
back to my days on older versions of FM and my age in general :)). I really do 
need to keep the graphics displayed as I write for a variety of reasons, but if 
that ultimately becomes the real showstopper, I will just have to work my way 
around that as well.  I am sooooooo tired of all these issues w/ newer versions 
of FM. FM 7.2 and 8.0 were just as solid as a rock and quality just seems to be 
going downhill exponentially w/ every subsequent release.

Thanks so much again everyone.



 On Behalf Of Keith Soltys
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 6:55 AM
To: framers@lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers@lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: RE: Very slow paging in FM 10 in graphic-heavy files

I'm surprised upgrading the RAM made any difference. I thought 32-bit Windows 
only recognizes 4 GB maximum (actually, I think it's something like 3.2 GB).


 On Behalf Of Art & Karen Braun
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 9:58 PM
To: framers@lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers@lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: Re: Very slow paging in FM 10 in graphic-heavy files

FM 11.0 / Win 7, 32-bit / Intel i3 cpu

Similar problem in book with 36 chapters.  Significant improvement in response 
time attained by upgrading RAM from 4GB to 8GB.  Though there is still room for 



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