Helen Borrie wrote: 
> At 02:17 a.m. 7/05/2013, Rick Quatro wrote:
> >I have a PDF file set up with logical page numbering. If I want to print
> >page 7-10 and type this in the Pages field, Acrobat prints physical pages 7
> >through 10 from the PDF file instead of logical page 7-10. I tried it in
> >Acrobat X and XI and the problem occurs in both. I am pretty sure it worked
> >in early versions, but I don't know what version it stopped working on. Is
> >this a known issue? Thanks.
> Certainly it's an issue known to me! ;-)  It has been the way you describe in
> all the versions of Acrobat Pro I have worked through (4, 6 and 8) and also in
> Nitro Pro (all versions so far).  I'm typically working with books, having
> more than one logical numbering sequence, so I've just assumed that it had to
> be that way because Acrobat had no way to distinguish one set of numbers from
> another.

Hmm. My books have Roman front-matter numbering followed by Arabic numbering 
for the main body of the book. That numbering scheme is transferred to the PDF 
using Rick's PageLabeler plugin. So, for instance, one book has frontmatter on 
pages i-xii, followed by pages 1-576. If I specify a print range of v-xii, I 
get the appropriate frontmatter pages; if I specify 5-12, I get the appropriate 
main body pages. This has been the case for more versions of Acrobat than I can 

I don't use folio numbering (chapter-page), so I can't say for sure, but since 
the hyphen is used to specify a page range, I suspect a hyphen in the logical 
page numbers might totally confuse things. 

But if the logical page ranges don't use a prefix with a hyphen, it seems like 
it should work. It certainly works for me (and always has) if the logical page 
ranges differ only in their style. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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