The easiest way to see the applied paragraph tag is to select some part of the paragraph and look in the lowest left corner of your FM window.

Note: In structured Fm, you'll likely see an element name (E:), not a para name


Matt R. Sullivan 
co-author Publishing Fundamentals: Unstructured FrameMaker 11 
P: 714.798.7596 | C: 714.585.2335 | 

@mattrsullivan LinkedIn facebook 

On Jun 27, 2013, at 6:54 AM, Alastair Dent <> wrote:

It is many, many years since I’ve used Framemaker.
We are now moving our documentation to Frame 11.
One very basic task eludes me; how do I tell what style has been assigned to the selected text (or the paragraph where I’ve placed the insertion cursor)?

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