Richard has identified the most obvious potential cause for the problem you 

But another possible cause is the change in the font metrics that occurs when 
you change from one printer driver to another. (This is the reasons for the 
infamous "Font information has changed" warning message.) FrameMaker obtains 
information on the precise width of every character in every font used in the 
document from the printer driver. When you change to a different driver (for 
example from a physical printer to the Adobe PDF virtual printer for PDF 
generation), there will always be some differences in the dimensions. These 
differences are usually very small and insignificant, but if you will have a 
line of text that is almost exactly the width of the text column even a tiny 
difference in metrics can make a visible difference on the page. If one printer 
has metrics that are a tiny bit smaller for some character(s) the line of 
characters might fit on a single line on the page; but if the metrics are a 
tiny bit larger on a different printer the line may be forced to break. A 
couple of additional line breaks on a page may push a table row or a graphic to 
the next page prematurely, and before you know it all your headings are on a 
different page than when you started. This used to happen all the time when 
printers usually had much lower resolution and the differences in font metrics 
were therefore larger in magnitude. There used to be a good reason for Frame's 
"Font information has changed" warning, and you may have run afoul of it here. 
(Note that this phenomenon was one of the reasons why Word documents used to be 
notorious for having pagination differences on different computers and 
sometimes between on-screen and printed versions.) 

If this is indeed what is going on, the solution is to switch to the printer 
driver you will use for the final output *before* you do the final Update Book 
operation to set the final pagination and generate the TOC to match. Or use a 
workflow or a plug-in like Sundorne's SetPrinter to *always* use Adobe PDF as 
the default printer for FrameMaker (assuming PDF is your final output).

-Fred Ridder

> From:
> To:;
> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:58:35 -0700
> Subject: RE: TOC has incorrect page numbers
> David Millis wrote:
> > This morning I discovered that the page numbering that is showing in my TOC 
> > is
> > incorrect. The numbers are correct for a couple of chapters and at the
> > beginning of the 3rd chapter. Then, in the middle of the 3rd chapter, the
> > numbers are off by a page (should be 32 and is showing 31 in the TOC). I'm
> > only using Headings 1 and 2 in the TOC and it's a Heading 1 where it starts 
> > to
> > go south.
> Make sure that generated lists are being regenerated when you update the 
> book: 
> 1) Select Edit > Update Book. 
> 2) In the Update Book dialog, make sure that Generate Table of Contents, 
> Lists, and Indexes is selected. 
> 3) Click Update. 
> Offhand, I can't think of any other reason why page numbering would be 
> incorrect starting in the middle of a file. But if that doesn't fix it, maybe 
> somebody else will have an idea. 
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-903-6372
> ------
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