Robert Lauriston wrote:
> FrameMaker > MIF2Go > Word works great, I've used it for a variety of 
> projects.
> Unfortunately Word > Confluence has some major bugs that require a lot of 
> cleanup. FrameMaker > MIF2Go > XHTML > Confluence might be faster depending 
> on the content and formatting.

Thanks! I will take a look at that flow/process when I get to the steps moving 
documents to Confluence. I remember seeing a number of threads from you in 
regard to how you did this and plan to review all that before I start.

With regard to this one document I have in Word now, it will be okay to have to 
do cleanup (even if major), since it is only one document. I was a bit rushed 
to provide something for the SME to edit, so used Word for now. For the other 
documents, I will not step through Word ...



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