Hi Ted...

This is something that is on my list of things to "make work" .. someday. There are a number of ways to do this .. none, that I'm aware of, are close to being terribly reliable or clean. The option that I'd look into is to use RSS. WordPress can export and import RSS. I've done this to transfer content from one WP site to another .. it worked surprisingly well. So the key would be to be able to export your FM files as RSS, then that could import into WP.

Of course it's not really that easy. You'll need to get an RSS file that's formatted in a way that WP can properly digest and shred into posts. I haven't looked into what that means, but in theory I believe that it's an RSS file that contains multiple entries with the content of each "post" formatted as HTML.

I'm thinking of an HTML export from FM (of via RoboHelp) that you then run a post process on it to add the necessary metadata and wrap up the "topics" as "posts". Start by doing an RSS export from WP to see what it looks like, then figure out how to get your exported FM content to look like that. My tool of choice would be Perl. Export FM to HTML, then run a Perl script on it to make it right, then import to WP. ??

Or .. wait a few months till I get around to doing this.

If anyone else has done this or has any other ideas, I'd like to hear.

Let us know how it goes!



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

On 3/7/14 7:49 AM, Ted Steinberg wrote:
Hi Framers,

I recently subscribed to TCS5. Prior, I was a Frame 7.1 user with a bit of Frame 10 & 11.

The Situation:

 1. on an intermittent basis, I want to publish, various Frame
    Unstructured Docs as "responsive html5 docs"
 2. and upload them somehow into whatever WordPress Premium blog
    template is suitable
     1. to retain the look of what I had in Frame, including tables
        and figures,
     2. with little or no reformatting in such WordPress Template.
     3. In other words I do not want to waste time doing a cut and
        paste remake.
 3. If this can't be done seamlessly via the above or by RoboHelp, can
    I download a WordPress Template into RoboHelp, or Captivate, and
    somehow get my Frame Docs to be re-formatted so future uploadings
    into WordPress will provide the advantages of #2 above?
 4. I have queried Adobe Forums and WordPress Forums and have struck out.
 5. Before I start using WordPress I need to understand the paradigm.
    (Fancy term.)

I specifically liked the idea of TCS where I can create blogs and publish books for ePubs, I have journalized over a 25 year period, 25 chapters, 2,000 pages, in one book, containing 6,000 zircons of wisdom (controlled by an Alphabetized Paragraph List) which are dying to see the light of day so they can sparkle up the vision of needy marketing types: needless or needy, you pick!.

If anyone can advise me on how to seamlessly propagate my baloney, I will be eternally grateful. To show my appreciation, I will commission a life-sized, pigeon-proof, plastic statue made of you which glows in the dark and is impervious to revolutionaries who could tear it down whether or not you have a goatee.



Ted Steinberg
Tenstar Business Partners
Minnesota, California, Costa Rica
Apartado 185-7150
Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
506-2556-5044 [Costa Rica]
ted.steinberg5634 [Skype]
mtedsteinb...@gmail.com <mailto:mtedsteinb...@gmail.com>


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